Year 1

Junior Boys & Mixed Grades
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Registrations for the 2024-25 playing season will open in early September, 2024


Children in Year 1 participate in the Club's junior cricket programme, which aims to teach fundamental cricket at this level. The programme is built around a series of different skill modules and games to provide a fun and varied programme each week. Experience has shown us that children of this age do not have the attention span to play full games of cricket and not only enjoy this varied programme more but also learn better fundamental skills to prepare them for games in Year 2. later on in the season players will regularly participate in limited over games against each other to test their new-found skills in action.

All parents are expected to help, when they can, in these weekly sessions and the Club runs a pre-season training module for parents in order to prepare for this. Children get far more out of sport when their parents or caregivers become actively involved plus, with as many adults as possible involved each week, the burden does not fall on just one or two people and everyone gets to enjoy their involvement.

More information


All Year 1 cricket will take place on Friday afternoons in front of the Parnell Cricket Clubrooms at Shore Road Reserve (Near the children's playground).
These after school sessions are supervised by the Club's qualified cricket coaches. Parent assistance is encouraged.  
Note that the players are not allocated to specific teams in Year 1.

Start time is 4.45pm and the sessions generally finish around 6.00pm. The Club operates a BBQ sausage sizzle during the evening and the bar will be open for refreshments. There are NO mid-week practice sessions for this age group.

Season dates

Start date:
Friday 01 November 2024

Last playing date pre-Christmas:
Friday 13th December 2024

Restart post-Christmas:  
Friday 1st February, 2025

Final playing date for the season:  
Friday 28th March, 2025


If the weather is such that play is not possible then these sessions will be cancelled. The Club will advise all players via email by 2.45pm if the session is to cancelled.

All cricket equipment for this grade is provided by the Club so there is no need to invest in cricket gear until you are sure of your child's commitment.

Ready to take your cricket skills to the next level?

Our experienced high performance coaches are here for you

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